Kamis, 13 Desember 2012

BOMBSHELL: DHS Covers-Up Illegal Alien Pedophile Working for Pro-Amnesty Senator

According to the Associated Press, Department of Homeland Security officials covered up the fact that longtime amnesty advocate U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) employed an unpaid illegal alien intern who was also a registered sex offender in his office.

Rather than taking this illegal alien sex offender into custody, Department of Homeland Security officials ignored multiple requests by New Jersey ICE agents to take action. In fact, Homeland Security officials specifically told ICE to delay acting on the case until after the election as to not harm the Senator’s reelection campaign, one U.S. official told the Associated Press.

Menendez – who also faced allegations of hiring prostitutes in the Dominican Republic – is one of the principal advocates for illegal amnesty and the DREAM Act in the Senate.

As if news of this most recent attempt by the Obama Administration to put the needs of the pro-amnesty lobby before those of the American people is not unbelievable enough, the illegal alien—18-year-old Luis Abrahan Sanchez Zavaleta who overstayed his visitor visa from Peru—was handling immigration issues for the Senator. Zavaleta had even applied for the Administration’s backdoor amnesty DACA program, but was rejected by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services shortly before his arrest on the grounds of his sex offender status. He was finally arrested December 6.

Once again the corruption of pro-amnesty officials and the double standard applied to illegal aliens in exposed for all Americans. SWA will provide additional details as they become available. Let’s just say Big Sis has some major explaining to do – again.

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