Kamis, 20 Desember 2012

Rumors: Chicago Alderman Ricardo Munoz (22nd Ward) was arrested for suspended drivers license & no proof of vehicle insurance?

The True News USA newsroom has had several reports that Chicago Alderman Ricardo Munoz was recently arrested for having a suspended drivers license and no proof of insurance....
Although we assume that this is only a rumor we do have to ask if there is any truth to it.
We must assume that all persons are innocent until proof can be obtained.

Aren't all Chicago Aldermen driving vehicles that are leased by the City of Chicago?

If in fact these allegations against the Alderman are true, shouldn't his City of Chicago rental vehicle be taken away from him?

Imagine if this Alderman hits and kills a child with a city rental vehicle and he has a suspended license??? The lawsuit would be for MILLIONS OF DOLLARS against the city... or in other words - OUR TAX DOLLARS!


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